Walking, cycling, public transport and driving directions

We encourage you to walk, cycle or take public transport to the Worcester Show. Pitchcroft is within ten minutes walking distance from Worcester city centre and Worcester Bus Station.

You can get walking, cycling, public transport and driving directions using the map below.

Directions to the Worcester Show

The visitor opening times of the Worcester Show is 10:00 to 17:00.

On Foot

The Pitchcroft is in easy walking distance from the City Centre. See map.

By Bicycle:

The Pitchcroft is accessible from the riverside cycle paths and easy access from the City Centre.

By Bus:

Regular bus services run into the City Centre and then The Pitchcroft is in easy walking distance from the main bus station in Crowngate Shopping Centre.

  • Any single bus trip is £2 – you can pay on the bus with cash, card, Tap On, Tap Off, or by using a ticket from our First Bus App.
  • If you’re travelling with friends or family, make use of our special £10 group ticket offer, which allows unlimited travel all day for up to 5 people of any age on First Bus’ entire Worcester network. Offer only available on the First Bus App.

For further information and timetable on the day please visit First Bus website.

By Car:

There are plenty of City Centre car parks within easy walking distance of the Show. Stewards will be directing people to and around the nearest ones. See map for details. There are a number of nearby public car parks near the Worcester Show site at Pitchcroft. Normal parking charges apply.